Legal track #2 | Session 3 - Navigating Insolvency Proceedings in Cross-Border M&A: Legal and Strategic Considerations
Organized by the Corporate and M&A and the Insolvency Commissions
🗓️ Wednesday, August 27 🕐 10:00-11:00 EDT
📍Waldorf Astoria
What happens when a thriving business suddenly collapses? Enter the court-appointed ‘designated survivor’ aka the bankruptcy trustee thrust into power as the unelected ruler of the ruins. Tasked with salvaging value and making critical decisions, the trustee and its team of global lawyers must navigate complex cross-border insolvency laws, conflicting creditor interests, and high-stakes distressed M&A transactions. This panel will explore the challenges of restructuring and selling distressed assets across jurisdictions, highlighting the evolving legal landscape and the skills future insolvency and corporate professionals must master in an increasingly globalized world.